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Omańczycy na Politechnice Warszawskiej

Utworzono: 30 marzec 2014
Norbert Janusz
Drogie kolezanki i koledzy, 
We wczorajszym anglojezycznym wydaniu Oman Daily Observer (26.03.2014) zostal zamieszczony klamliwy artykul na temat Politechniki Warszawskiej - okreslonej jako "a Polish university".  Autor, niejaki Kabeer Yousuf, dowolnie zmanipulowal wypowiedzi urzednikow omanskiego ministerstwa szkolnictwa wyzszego aby przedstawic PW w negatywnym swietle. Oto artykul:
Sprawa dotyczy 30 omanskich studentow, ktorzy poskarzyli sie na Politechnike Warszawska i zostala opisana w Muscat Daliy w styczniu br.
Omanscy studenci nie radzili sobie z powodu zbyt wysokiego jak dla nich poziomu na politechnice, rowniez nie bardzo potrafili sie odnalezc w sytuacji koedukacyjnych akademikow. Omanskie ministerstwo szkolnictwa wyzszego zbadalo sprawde i stwierdzilo, ze polska uczelnia nie ponosi tu zadnej winy (patrz artykul w Muscat Daily - link powyzej).
Tymczasem sprawa jest przedstawiona zupelnie inaczej w Oman Daily Observer. Autor jednoznacznie daje do zrozumienia, ze Ministerstwo w Muskacie przestrzega przed zagranicznymi uczelniami nieposiadajacymi rekomendacji Ministerstwa i oferujacymi niski poziom nauczania  jako przyklad podaje " a Polish university".  Jest to oczywista nieprawda poniewaz Politechnika Warszawska posiada rekomendacje omanskiego Ministerstwa Szkolnictwa Wyzszego.  Szczegolnie szokujace wydalo mi sie zdanie "incident in which some 30 Omani students faced an ordeal at a Polish university pertaining to the quality of courses and the medium of instruction"
Poczatkowo myslalem, ze byc moze rzeczywiscie Omanczycy niefortunnie trafili do jakiejs niezbyt uczciwej uczelni w Polsce.  Kiedy jednak przeczytalem materialy dostepne na okazalo sie, ze tekst w Oman Daily Observer zwyczajnie szkaluje dobre imie Politechniki Warszawskiej. 
Sprawa ma niebagatelne znaczenie dla nas wszystkich w Omanie. Biorac pod uwage, ze wiedza o Polsce w Omanie jest praktycznie zerowa, kazda informacja medialna - zwlaszcza negatywna - pozostawia swoj slad w pamieci odbiorcow. Zakladam, ze mamy tu do czynienia z niefrasobliwa ignorancja autora tekstu, ale nie mozemy pozostac obojetni wobec takiego medialnego klamstwa na temat jednej z lepszych polskich uczelni technicznych z tego juz chociazby powodu, ze  w konsekwencji takich publikacji nasze polskie dyplomy beda traktowane z lekcewazeniem, co bedzie mialo niebagatelne przelozenie na nasze mozliwosci na tutejszym rynku pracy. 
Pamietajmy, ze "polskie obozy smierci" tez mialy swoj niepozorny medialny poczatek. 
Napisalem list to redakcji Oman Daily Observer domagajac sie sprostowania (patrz zalacznik - To the Editor) i  zachecam wszystkich do wyslania  podobnych maili do tej gazety. Prosze jak najbardziej skorzystac z mojego tekstu w tym celu.
Pozdrawiam wszystkich,
Dominik Lubanski, Sohar


The Oman Daily Observer.


To the Editor:

Kabeer Yousuf, in his article entitled "Check before enrolling in foreign universities" (paper edition of the Oman Daily Observer 26/03/2014), has manipulated statements made by the officials from the Ministry of Higher Education in Muscat to produce an entirely false picture of the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland - referred to in the article as ?a Polish university? - as well as of Polish universities in general.

The article suggests that the Ministry of Higher Education is conducting a poster campaign to warn Omani students against low quality foreign universities not approved by the Ministry of Higher Education in Muscat, such as an unnamed ?Polish university? where Omani students recently went through an ?ordeal... pertaining to the quality of courses?.   The article further claims that the Directorate of External Scholarships, having taken the matter of Omani students in Poland seriously, issued a statement urging students to first make sure if a foreign institution is approved by the Omani ministry ? meaning that the Polish university in question is not approved by the Ministry. 

The reality is that Kabeer Yousuf couldn`t be further from the truth in his article. Contrary to what his text suggests, the Warsaw University of Technology is approved by the Omani Ministry of Higher Education. Some Omani students indeed complained about the Polish university. However, the Ministry of Higher Education in Oman has expressly ?refuted allegations from 30 Omani scholarship students currently studying at the Warsaw University of Technology (WuT) in Poland about the quality of courses and the medium in which the classes were taught in? (Muscat Daily,6 Jan. 2014).  Ahmed bin Mohammed al Azri, head of the Directorate of External Scholarships did say he ?was seriously looking into the matter? only to exonerate the Warsaw University of Technology from blame. Mr. al Azri said that ?none of our students have shown any interest in participating in extra classes in the Sciences?, he also said that ?the Warsaw University of Technology  is a higher education institution with a long-standing tradition in especially Science and Engineering programmes? (Muscat Daily). As it turned out, the students were experiencing difficulties in adapting to a new educational environment and struggled with the cultural differences they encountered in a country far away from home, a predicament of a many, if not of most of the students studying abroad.  None of the above is mentioned in the text written by Mr. Yousuf.

Poland is country with long academic traditions ? the first university in Poland was founded 650 years ago in 1364.  Nowadays Poland is home to 132 public colleges and universities and 321 private higher education institutions. The Warsaw University of Technology, founded in 1915, is renowned for its excellent scholarship and research.

  I`m a citizen of Poland living and working in Oman and I find it extremely upsetting to see the reputation of Polish university education tarnished by an irresponsible journalist who doesn`t trouble himself with the facts. I therefore urge the Oman Daily Observer to rectify this blunder by publishing an appropriate disclaimer in your newspaper.


Dominik Lubanski, Sohar